Saturday, June 15, 2013

Same place, same station. Its a Wonderful day!  I hope you have enjoyed it.  I am so excited about what is about to happen in my life. what is it?  I really don't know.  However something is happening, for the good.  I hope all is well with you. That makes for easy reading.  Relax, I'm still the same writer, who still can not type.  One of these I'll do it differently.  Some day.  Now here goes.  What is a Slave?  A person who is owned by another person or persons.  A servent, a druge.  Usually counted as nothing, dispensable.  Got money, get you another or some more.  There is a lot on the line here.  And in the end day day will pay off.  Where  do we stand in the scheme of things?  I can tell you where I stand. I view All humans as indispensable.  All creaters born human' are as God Himself.  I don't care about  the circumstance of a persons birth, there needs to be,and there is a means to care for that individual, until they can care for themselves.  I've ststed this before, we tend to look the other way when things are not going well for others.  The very young suffer most of of all.  No matter what country they live in.  The young suffer, and no body seams to care.  What  I've observed  is usually, the people who desert them are the people who have  somehow made it,thruogh giftedness, and more abuse, either ignore,and/or stoop to the same garnishment of hurt  and pain on what  and who they  see ,they have been.  A lot of words to say " misery likes compamy." These people usually know exactly what they are doing.  Very few do not.  I hear so much about children who are straving, right here in the greatest nation in the world.  Resources, on recourses.  No body caring enough to care for some one in the proper way.  You give things to the various charities and they either hord them for themselves of sale them for self gain.  Oh yes it is done.  Usually the people who work for thoes places are poor, and needly, they steal.  There are people who have more than enough and the hord,(steal).  I've seen it, I was shocked and amaized. I observed them going around, asking what size do you wear?  We just got new suit in.  I've seen the floors in rooms just full of things, beautiful things, the workers, of them the professionals(degreed), go in and pick and choose.  I never cease to be amaized at some of the things people do.  I at at a place in my life where I could only observe. Now, I'm going to tell you watch where you give you sustance to.  You know sometimes its best if you are ther to personall give them yourself.  The people who they are intended for never touch them, they never see them.  You wonder why so much pain?  Our people still inflict so much pain on the helpless ones.  The helpless become insightful and fill to the brim with anger.  No one really ever listens to them. Some many killings are caused because of abuse.  If someone is constantly abusing you you would want to think a way to cause the to cease and desist also.  Men and women why of means why don't you take the time, real time,(. not just a photo opt). Go and observe what they are doing with the money you contribute. Really trace your money.  Since that happened , now I know where to give my money and my goods I give away on monthly basis. I'm telling you ,you have no excuse to send it and you never appear.  They don't need to know you are coming. Just Go! Our youngsters are so beat down.  They are being raised by individuals who have never been prented themselves. I've said this befor I'm saying it again.  My Geand-mother uesed to always say  "if you want something done rightdo it your self."  She was right, until I leared how to do it right.  Time can be your enemy or your friend.  Never limit what you can do to help someone else.  Most assuredly  not the youth.  Time is of the essence. We live in a fast  trask society.  What was right just last year will not work now. where have you been lately? Whave you been doing with your time?  Taking care of you. Well you say I don't have time,or Idon't have the money.  Time is money. Money time. look at it both ways.  Some of just etting fat, sitting down look at tv or read books.  Yea, yea you know what goes on but what are you,YOU doing about it? Not a ... thing.  Why?  Because your church just sent a donation to the red cross. So did mine. But I must touch the Youth. We have an adopt a youth in our church ,and what I asked the members to do is have that person shadow you.  This is how we learn. We learn by application and observence.  How can the youth apply what they have not seen demonsteated, except violence and hell interchangeably.  Soon  I will bring my 2 adoptees to my home, for an over night stay. Do I know them that well/ No. But I do know them. I know their parents. Trein parents know me.  I do know how to take risks. I do stay prayed up. I will never stop the idea that there  is a little good in us all.  Of course there been times I wonder why I take the time to do a thing.  My experince last fall taugth me a great lesson about people.  All kinds of people.  I thought I had met them all until I saw for myself just how low the human race can go. We make slaves of ourselves. We cast rocks at our own lives everytime we ignore the demise of another person. We enslave our good intention and cast peals to the hogs.  I know some of you wanted me to discuss sex again, but slavery in all forms envolve sex.  The baby is here. Now what do we do about  keeping ourselves alive for another generation?  The child is is you. The child is me.  Who fathered it and who gave birth to this someone wants to have and to hold?  We All did.  We all are responsible for happens to another little part of God amoung us. Blue ,purple, indigo, pink, orange,what ever. Cute ,beautiful, handicapped, weak. None of them as ugly as the thought of abandonment. Think  with me, What can you do to to stop the slavery of our children?  There is something.  We are all unique and varied. We have all been children, all of us have suffered some unkind act as as a child we did not deserve. So are we going to continue it?  Never look at a child as a child of color, You just demoted yourself to a frog. Did you choose which one you were born to be?  Let me stop right there. If you did not get it this time I'll do better next time. In the meantime. Keep the fire burning and the logs turning,for we want to light your fire!(**)

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