Saturday, May 25, 2013

My pleasure again to say ,Hello.  I blog once a week on purpose. It makes the week much more exciting to know Saturday, I can sing my song;  You know its "not over until this girl sings." So your week ends with me.  Got cha! Aittle fun is good for what ails ya.  Thank God you are safe and very sound and ready to read.  Adam and God shared a relationship as we realy think of. They were here in all this beauty,and glory,alone with us Ladies tucked so warmly inside the Man.  How wonderful that thought is.  To get God all alone by yourself.  The CREATOR!  My, what a thought.  Adam was with God alone on this place we call a planet.  As I've stated in the past, we do no know how long that lasted.  I tell you it lasted long enough to bring the man to a state of rejection and doubt.  You doubt yourself when you blame someone else for what you have done.  I truly hope you understand what I just said.  Ther is such an intimacy between God and man (in its pural form,no male or female).  That remains, it will never change.  Thank God.  Let me explain just a little.  Think with me, please think with me.  The Hebrew word Nshamah,  (Nesh-aw-maw), coms to mind this word means: A Puff, ie, wind ; Angry or vital Breath. Divine inspiration, or concretely an animal~Blast, that breatheth inspiration, soul spirit.  Mind you , this is a spontaneous forceful action!  GREAT FORCE!  Another term ANGRY WIND!  Think about it A cough just one to clear your lungs has the force of an 80 mile per hour wind speed.Look it up . Ask you doctor.  A Hurricane, when you, yes you caugh!  Believe it.  There is a lot about you, you don't know.  I learn everyday I live.  I will never stop learning,if you do you're DEAD!  What you choose to learn is important.  I want to know about God and me .  Me and God.  This is Nshamah is what happened to Adam when he Became a MAN.  God Blasted the lifeless body of theMAN,with INSPIRATION,SOUL AND SPIRIT, all at once.  It was not a process, it happened! Got cha again.  God and Man were intimate, such as you should be.  I know I am;  But I am not you.  Touch it  know it is.  The woman,our mother Eve, needed someone to share her guilt, her mistake,her loniness.  You know you do feel alone, when things are not as they should be.  Ladies you know how that is. Men consum a lot of our space.  Most of the time we can do nothing about it. Don't feel sad, don't get angry, just know there was a time in history when we dominated the heart and the mind of a MAN.  We still do, but much differently.  The Most powerful MAN that ever lived, that wast not God, submitted to a WOMAN, HIS EQUAL.  Eve was his equal.  She walked with him beside him.  She was POWER!  Don't ever forget that.  It will bless you to smile when all hell is breaking loose in your lives.  And so here we are.  But let me tell you.  Adam and Eve shared alike whith the ALMIGHTY.  When she came on the scene the visits did not stop, they three were together, in the cool of the evening.  They shared one into the other.  You wonder why our world is in the mess it's in?  I don't, I know, we can't stand one another.  We worry about trival occupied space. Territory, so trite such a bummer.  I said they went into one another.  You do not experience real love on the outside. It is all inside,Right? I know I'm right I know how to love.  I got my  BLAST! I know it will last.  Why I WANT IT TO LAST!  HOW ABOUT YOU?  I would never try to answer that one for you, be you man or woman.   Men sometimes are ashamed because they have intimate feelings for another man, and women vise versa.  We are love machines wrought in LOVE.  I am not speaking of love in sexual terms. I'm skeaking about relationship.  We have not learned how to relate to or with each other.  If we had there would be no reason for me to write about  it.  We would be engaged in the doing and hate would not exist.  There was a low scale animosity between the Woman and the Man. in the earth after that experience, sad. It has remained. The first place, the first person, the son of the first family on this planet.  NOW its a planet! Was filled  with animosity,hate, Cain.  We have produced him , them ,and continue to do so, because Love is impertientnt , and cost too much.  Yes, we are there.  Ladies, can we do better?  Yes we can.  We were given The Heart of God.  The brain power of a man and the bodies of the cosmos.  That is the the pull you feel.  The desire to leap for fame!  Fame??  Famous for hold ing  the caress of POWER.  But still remain delicate, desired,pleasing, remembered,lucid, touchable,love to be loved.  YOU ARE FREE TO BE WHO YOU ARE. Let's do it right.  When I ask you  to come and go with me, I'm asking you to think with me, as I think,think YOU.  Ladies, spend more time thinking about who you really  are. Less time thinking about how you're going to 'get over.'  We already 'OVER', Think About IT! Man in their lives, come on, let us do This together again.  I say us, but I'm me, thinking about all of You together.  Together we can work this thing until the sadness BREAKS and emplods!  The precious beings who need us ,You are still struggling to wait for positive results.  That is what this is ALL ABOUT. Please do not forget it!  Good night , Remember I LOVE YOU. There, I said IT. Until next time(**)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Well, here we are again. You and me. I am well,excited renewed,captured with the luxury of a hello again. I hope you got that. When someone wants to see you again or takl to you again yes, and sometimes just breathe on yolu again that is a luxuary for me.  Just because it didn't have to happen.  Most people don't think as I do.  But that is ok. I love you too. I really do. I take what I get. Enough of that.  I did not chech my inbox again, I'm too excited to tell you, you are a wonder. The blame game:  Not my cup of tea. I don"t need to blame anyone. I want to know why?  People who do usually get answers.  Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.As I stated before the snake will remain a snake.  You know the snske was a beautiful animal,who walked.  They had legs and feet.  Scienctific facts. Look it up. The skins are the only thing they were granted.  Men kill snakes for their skins, the skins are still beautiful. I try to stay away from them, a time or so I've gotten apair of shoes or hand bag,what can I say?  The snake is the arch enemy of the woman.The other name is 'evil'.  This can be found in the Book of Genesis. You see ther was a secret in thr garden the enemy did not have privilege to.  it was hidden, and very undetected.  The woman had a womb (uterus). They were best friends,talking buddies, she never told it that,so it (the snake) coulld not tell the evil one.  A secret in the Garden of Eden,  Thrillng! The woman could conceive children.  What Great news for the whole earth! So great we kill them at at the drop of the sperm!  Hum. Back to the garden. when evil got the news it made the woman the #1 target.  You see evil knew The Christ was in God, however it did not know how He would get here.  His entry point the woman the daughter of mother Eve.  Eve was told the snake would bruse her hill but the "Man", would "bruse its head." If a snake receives a bolw a good one it will kill it,right? Right.  Ladies with in you lies one one the great powers on this planet. Motherhood.  But some of you are screaming I don't want kids!  (kids),I hope not? I hope you don't want children.  Some of you are saying I can't have children!  Ok,  I hear that, and if you still don't want to adopt, help another mother.  You  are a mother,children or not. You are a LOVER. You see evil knew she was a lover, because of her love for her husband, her Man. So, it attacted her ability to function without her help. You see, Adam was her' help meet.' That thing works both ways.  To be present with someone is a conscious act.  When you don't the attention of the other person, you or they are not conscious of your desire or need.  You know that well. How many times have you been ignored?  Just saying.  Whether Adam was there at the thrush hold or on th planet mars, the woman tested the fruit first.  I would ask that you read that with a God centered mind.  At this point that is not important.  Eve , not really feeling any guilt at that point, did what all of us in our state on mind (fallen), would have done.  She said, 'Oh ,Baby this is so good, try some,' yeah, you know and  "the Man did eat".  No thing happened until the Man ate. The Power,the one spoken to, while we were inside him.  Ladied, do you really know what happened?  I'll tell you. (And you men reading also,), Adam reached inside himself,after he heard the tone and the desireous gesture of the one who pleased him more than any thing he had ever known in existance,and he knew everything,in existance.  God allowed the Man to examine and know all that was here. His Love for the woman caused him to eat them to death.  A stateof non existance.  I said he ate them to death." In Adam All Die". Check it out. You are the Wind and the Flow,(water). God made you so.  I said, He made you so. Yes, and he blamed you so. The Man did. .'This woman you gave me'. He blamed her because she caused him to lose his best friend, who walked with him in the cool of the evening everyday.  Or so he thought.  But we know that was not true. We will go into more detail on this next time. I'll share more Until then, Ladies, can we make it Better?  And All The Men said... Think about it.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

,If I were close to you ,I would smile,reach for you and ask you to give me a hug.  Lets pretend you moved and I hugged you. I felt that. Why? because I wanted to.  Don't ever forget we, our family does long yo touch the world. We will reach out and touch you.  I'll never stop loving who God created in His Own Image.  I love you, I will in all probability meet you some day,some sooner than others.  Sometimes,alot of time I'm in deep thought,and I forget to smile, but when I look at you, you'll always bring a smile. You see,I'm me not you.  I'm excited about being alive. Living right now ,right here. I know who I am. I usually know where I'm going and my intentions when I get there. I learned a long time ago to always think things through.I'm here and my thoughts are about you.  Yes YOU.  Right there YOU. I noticed the readers are growing. That is good.  But, then is it?  Right now you know I really don't want to spend a lot of time on why,but you need to.  Why? I am heavy on these air waves! I can feel the bounces and the turns. What I say can help you or it can hurt you.  I would never desire anyone hurt or pain,never. I'm not going to tell you not to read what I write I'm simply going to say,be careful for what you read my by danderous to your spiritual life.  I say things that are very spiritual, things that are true. You say how danderous is that? If you read it you are responsible for what you read to do it ,if it right.  I don't care if you don't know me,If I write what is true,it can be lethal.Please cover your selves with prayer.  I've said a enough to emplode a nation,but who really listens to truth any way.  Sometimes it can be a cheap thrill. This is not play time on line,I'm serious.Now, I hope your journey has been a satisifing one.  I'm pleased you took the time once more to meet me right here,right now. The last time we talked, i told you about my 'Sparkle'. She is still sparking.Still learning ,so am I. I'm learning how to execute what I know,to the best of my ability.  You know what and while I'm in the act of doing so, I continue to learn something else about what I know.  Life is so exciting.  I asked you to come along and go with me.  You know I have a feeling ther are men who read these blogs also,fantastic!  I love to men come along. Not try to teach you anything, about us, but youdo need to know what I know about You.  You see I've studied males since I was old enough to remember. The crib? yes. I don't have to study women because I am woman,  However I do spend a lot of time improving  how to be better at who I Be.  To better facilitate and help meet the needs of the males in my life. So I must know me better.  I really don't have a lot of males in my life but the 5 +1 (new great grand -baby), get the royal treatment.Three sons,2grand-sons. They fill my cup right now. So back to the blame game.  Adam blamed the woman, the woman blamed the snake,the snake had no one to blame because ,he got tricked by evil. I just messed up a sentence somewhere on here,but I don't have the time to correct it. I hope you can read it with some understandind.  When we start to blame,we commit treason. Why? Because we are all connected.  Ther should always be a flow between us.  It is natural for us to laugh when others laugh or cry when someone else cries.  Sometimes my laughter is only a smile. Sometimes my tears well up inside,and I can only frawn.  All three playes were cursed.  The snake, eternally.  There will forever exist snakeds. They will never be sble to do you any harm any more, but they will exist in the state you know them as right now prown, on their bellies. That is what evil can do to one as us,if we allow it to be so.  We still blame ,we still carry everything too far.  Respect is lacking in our world.  Can we really claim success in the state we are in? Can we really say,I"ve over come? No!  Not as long as one of us is lacking.  Ladies, I speak to the wind, let us rethink who we are. You are THE WIND, You can and do control the motin in your worlds.  What are you doing with kind of POWER?  Through out the ministry and Life of Jesus Christ, He ministered to WOMEN. HE FREED US TO BE EQUAL AGAIN.  We're there again, but nobody told you that, evidently.  I'm going to allow you to feed off me , my plate. I'm going to pour into you what I poured into my daughter. Yes ,and even more.  There is a way to do this. I'll teach you some of it for free. I need a little help, to stand with and support the stalwarts of our world. Our MEN! Our destiny depends on it. Where do you want to go? How do you think you'er going to get there?  We were provided that way before we arrived on the sean,we wer covered,protected,Hum.look what happened. There is a way to Recover It All.   Can you hang with me?  Lets recover it all. Some of you need it right now, some can wait a while, others I'll teach you how to care. You see I heard you. Until then, know where you are going and how you're giong to get there.   **)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Greetings! What a privilege. Thank you for reading what I write,you're a class act. I am well I hope you are better.  Do you feel a flow right now?  Its blood,sweat and tears. Its me. In a world so filled with excitement,every once and a while we bleed sweat and cry,about the things that seem to play off so very wrong. Im there.But not to worry,not for long.The Father did not build me for for long drug out plays of evil folly,I'm not that kind of toy.  Got it?  That is where we are now.  Did you think that far?  If you did, you are right where you should me with me:)  Ladies, we've come a ways ,but baby we have a long ways to go.Hold your thought on our last meeting.  You know I shared with you I would discuss my daughter later. Later is now.Some of you, maybe a few,are where she was or maybe where she is. This is her birth month.I mean all month. She will be teeated as Royalty this whole month by her mother,who I be.She always been beautiful.Beautiful face, beautiful figure,most women all over the world wished or some think they have. Beautiful inside.A pure joy. my 'Sprakle'. Helania and I always had long discussions about life.  About men in our lives. I had only one(1).  She knew that, that man was her father.Enough for me,and that seem to be the way it is down here, for me.  However I wanted her to have a life of pure delight and joy.  We'd sit in her room in the middlel of her bed and laugh and cry about so many things. Yeah, we were friends like that. We'd sit outside all night long,and talk about this and that. We took long walks at night,just sharing and praying together. From the time she grow to about 12 and through her pre teensand teens we talked about what could happen in certain situations.  How thight things could and sometimes would get out of her control. All through high school,things wonderful. But I always left the door open.  I told her if she ever thought she would get into a bind, to please let me know. I  told her I would take her to the doctor and get birth control for her.  I always wanted her to be safe. She was my 'Sparkle'.  She survived high school. She survived college.She graduated from college in 1996. I praised God for that.  She was PURU.  She was 21 years old.  I always discussed with her how important it was for her to stay that way,for one day you can give all of that to that very Special Man you will meet.  She remaind pure for a long time, until one day she thought she had met that man to find out,,he was a miage.  He did not know who he was or appreciate who she was until it was too late. He was a drug user.  Ladies you know how we want to save the world.  She thought she could safe him. Did not happen, that was 11years ago.  When she was 31 years old. Pure that long.  That is a long time.  But all of that was a result of the time and energy we poured into each 0ther.  My desire for her was to be the Best! She was, she still is. But broken.  She has an 11 year old son one of the apples my eyes.  Beautiful child. She went from a size 6 to a size  God knows what. A milk bottle.  But still beautiful facial and inside.  I can still see where the curves used to be:)  She is still my 'Sparkle'. She can still do what the Huston Symphohy Orchestra wanted her to do, become a diva! She can still proform as you have never witnessed,she is a Diva. I treated her as a princess,dressed her as a Queen.  And still pay her rent,yes indeed!  Why all this?  Look at the attention and the love I poured into my dear one.  Look at the out come, the out come so far.  The presence of evil is everywhere.  In my house in your house. In all of our houses.  We stand by and continue to allow this things to happen.  Well I'm sick and tired of it!  Yes I'm bleeding, i'm sweating and continue to cry for the pain I suffer here every day.  I know you are suffering too.  Yes I know exactly what we need to do. FIGHT! RAISE THE ROOF OF HELL RIGHT HERE ON EARTH!  Ladies, I was pure, wanted to be. You see she was so much older than I was. Had I waited that long I don't know if I would have lasted.  Who is to say? I can't. Wuold you have?  Same world,  time frame almpst the same.  By the way, I never took her to the Dr.,I never purchased a thing a pill or device.  She was on her on in another state. She was fully an adult.  As a woman those of us wh have sons, are obligated to teach them really how to Love, it is what we do best.  Is is what we were created  to do.  Well you say it does not seem thaat way, but honey, it is.  You know our desire is to the man becaues of the Garden psychological upheaval.  The man told God 'this woman you gave me,caused to me to eat.'  Since then ther has been a blame game going on. You know what Jesus The Christ stopped it when He ave His life for all of us. Ladies He liberated you, us.He put and end to what evil started. We are free to BE. Baby I BE.  I know who Iam in Christ. I wish I could sit and just talk,I do that to, I can go on and on. But much like to night I need to stop. Ineed to tell you I have so much more.  I can tell you this we need to change the direction of our desires.  When you find you are getting a little muddy, get up,enquior, get direction and transpose yourself to another place in time. You can still do that. Think about it.  I will do it soon,very soon.  Take a journey with me, to the  top.Game? See you nex time(**)