Saturday, May 25, 2013

My pleasure again to say ,Hello.  I blog once a week on purpose. It makes the week much more exciting to know Saturday, I can sing my song;  You know its "not over until this girl sings." So your week ends with me.  Got cha! Aittle fun is good for what ails ya.  Thank God you are safe and very sound and ready to read.  Adam and God shared a relationship as we realy think of. They were here in all this beauty,and glory,alone with us Ladies tucked so warmly inside the Man.  How wonderful that thought is.  To get God all alone by yourself.  The CREATOR!  My, what a thought.  Adam was with God alone on this place we call a planet.  As I've stated in the past, we do no know how long that lasted.  I tell you it lasted long enough to bring the man to a state of rejection and doubt.  You doubt yourself when you blame someone else for what you have done.  I truly hope you understand what I just said.  Ther is such an intimacy between God and man (in its pural form,no male or female).  That remains, it will never change.  Thank God.  Let me explain just a little.  Think with me, please think with me.  The Hebrew word Nshamah,  (Nesh-aw-maw), coms to mind this word means: A Puff, ie, wind ; Angry or vital Breath. Divine inspiration, or concretely an animal~Blast, that breatheth inspiration, soul spirit.  Mind you , this is a spontaneous forceful action!  GREAT FORCE!  Another term ANGRY WIND!  Think about it A cough just one to clear your lungs has the force of an 80 mile per hour wind speed.Look it up . Ask you doctor.  A Hurricane, when you, yes you caugh!  Believe it.  There is a lot about you, you don't know.  I learn everyday I live.  I will never stop learning,if you do you're DEAD!  What you choose to learn is important.  I want to know about God and me .  Me and God.  This is Nshamah is what happened to Adam when he Became a MAN.  God Blasted the lifeless body of theMAN,with INSPIRATION,SOUL AND SPIRIT, all at once.  It was not a process, it happened! Got cha again.  God and Man were intimate, such as you should be.  I know I am;  But I am not you.  Touch it  know it is.  The woman,our mother Eve, needed someone to share her guilt, her mistake,her loniness.  You know you do feel alone, when things are not as they should be.  Ladies you know how that is. Men consum a lot of our space.  Most of the time we can do nothing about it. Don't feel sad, don't get angry, just know there was a time in history when we dominated the heart and the mind of a MAN.  We still do, but much differently.  The Most powerful MAN that ever lived, that wast not God, submitted to a WOMAN, HIS EQUAL.  Eve was his equal.  She walked with him beside him.  She was POWER!  Don't ever forget that.  It will bless you to smile when all hell is breaking loose in your lives.  And so here we are.  But let me tell you.  Adam and Eve shared alike whith the ALMIGHTY.  When she came on the scene the visits did not stop, they three were together, in the cool of the evening.  They shared one into the other.  You wonder why our world is in the mess it's in?  I don't, I know, we can't stand one another.  We worry about trival occupied space. Territory, so trite such a bummer.  I said they went into one another.  You do not experience real love on the outside. It is all inside,Right? I know I'm right I know how to love.  I got my  BLAST! I know it will last.  Why I WANT IT TO LAST!  HOW ABOUT YOU?  I would never try to answer that one for you, be you man or woman.   Men sometimes are ashamed because they have intimate feelings for another man, and women vise versa.  We are love machines wrought in LOVE.  I am not speaking of love in sexual terms. I'm skeaking about relationship.  We have not learned how to relate to or with each other.  If we had there would be no reason for me to write about  it.  We would be engaged in the doing and hate would not exist.  There was a low scale animosity between the Woman and the Man. in the earth after that experience, sad. It has remained. The first place, the first person, the son of the first family on this planet.  NOW its a planet! Was filled  with animosity,hate, Cain.  We have produced him , them ,and continue to do so, because Love is impertientnt , and cost too much.  Yes, we are there.  Ladies, can we do better?  Yes we can.  We were given The Heart of God.  The brain power of a man and the bodies of the cosmos.  That is the the pull you feel.  The desire to leap for fame!  Fame??  Famous for hold ing  the caress of POWER.  But still remain delicate, desired,pleasing, remembered,lucid, touchable,love to be loved.  YOU ARE FREE TO BE WHO YOU ARE. Let's do it right.  When I ask you  to come and go with me, I'm asking you to think with me, as I think,think YOU.  Ladies, spend more time thinking about who you really  are. Less time thinking about how you're going to 'get over.'  We already 'OVER', Think About IT! Man in their lives, come on, let us do This together again.  I say us, but I'm me, thinking about all of You together.  Together we can work this thing until the sadness BREAKS and emplods!  The precious beings who need us ,You are still struggling to wait for positive results.  That is what this is ALL ABOUT. Please do not forget it!  Good night , Remember I LOVE YOU. There, I said IT. Until next time(**)

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