Sunday, March 31, 2013

GOOD MORNING. Its Resurrection Sunday !I hope you have a most Blessed renewal of just what  this Day is all about. I'm exited about it. We have a wonderful prayer breakfast, this moning. Thank God I can enjoy and not have to help.(I like helping,the interaction is great,but).I love, love the people of God. What ever it is you do, find great Joy in it.On Slavery: Since there was more than one man  and one woman here,(Iysh and Ishshah),evil persented itself through the man and placed ideas in him. CAIN killed ABLE, because of jealousy. Read Genesis to find out more about it. Since then, man has grown more intensely cruel. One generation after the other. man has found ways to kill others. You see you need not use a weapon of war to kill, taking life is in your mouth,your hands.  Death to man becomes a thought first, a plan and then an action.Simple,except there are ways reactions.  Hum, then you wonder why so much evil. Think about the populace, many cultures developed because of ,or in the name of protection,greed,violance,and yes you guessed it wealth. now who do you think the winners are? Absolutely. Because the Word says(The Bible)".,money answers all things."The truth is  it does.All things. Are you a thing? I'm not,I'm a Me.a woman,(ishshah).That is what Adam called Eve. He named everything that was. The capability of the first MAN.She was his help meet. Help meet whatever. Power was found in the groups. In each group a leader. Don't think you have corned the market on anything, its been done before. Solomon even said that. (Nothing new under the sun.). Man built a tower that was destine for the heavens and would have made it except they were stopped by God. The God who knows ALL. There was a leader,Nimrod was his name. He was a son of Cush. A grandson of Noah. Ther was a hierarchy. Some whih more power than others. Someone always gives the orders, someone takes the orders and hands them on down. That goes on and on.So the orders come from the top. The ones on the bottom, the middle,and almost to the top get wasted, not sometimes all th time. I don't care what color you think you are you will be wasted. Even though they had a oneness in buiding the structure there were seperations in the intent of the structure. I'll just throw this in do you have your ticket to get on a space ceaft and exit this planet,tomorrow? Many do, and plans are complete on how they will survive where they think they are going. Think about. And you slaved all this time,and no one informed you ,you could go?Well that how it is down here. And you say He was your brother,how about your daddy? Nimrod no doubt had his children under him, that he really did not think about , wrong mother. Wher am I going with this? right to your front doo, right in your face.Slavery has always been an issue on this planet. Man has found ways  to usurp the rights and power of one another since CAIN. No color involved here on truth. Families are divided because of this very thing I' writing about.  There are slaves all over the place. Every nation along with this one was built with slave labor. It continues one today than ever, in the history of man. We just call it somrthing something else. Our children are cought right in the middle of all this mass production of evil. Think about it. I must close my eyes a few minutes before going to servicre today. I serve today during service. Don't  stress just let this roll over in your mind. What is true about it? We need to stop looking at color,of course I love Who God made me to be,I'm Me.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

ANOTHER LEVEL:                               A Poem    (sharing)

When Thou speakest, I rise-
On your breath ... I get
high on you

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Salutations,I hope all is well with you. I'm so exiceted about life right nowGod has been and Is so Good to me. I hope you feel that way too.What that comes down to is knowing what good is and Who God Is.I know both.My subject will not change for a while. This is a oonstant problem for me. God blessed us with 3 three sons and one daughter. I lived my desire through them, for them to them. They are still my delight.I cherish  them. They are all different,but in so many ways the same. We had fun when they were growing up. I was growing too.Theridad was 13 years my senior, but he was always like one of them to me in a way(one of the boys). We played hard and laughed loud. We know what it was like to have fun. There was no subject my childern could not discuss with me. absoultly non. The good the bad and the ugly.  Some times we call ugly,ugly because we don't know what the thing is. we examined everything. Sometimes we found the thing to be really ugly. My daughter and I were best friends,we learned how to fit in and manage 4 men. Yeah we did. If you know me and you are reading this ask them. But when we had to back off we did.  I always taught her you want a MAN, not a pair of panties! We ware thoes. My sons are the epitome of MANHOOD.I'll talk about my daughter when I discuss us, females. My sons are men.They are intelligent,polite,practice chivalry and are Hard working young men. Their dad truly inspired most of that, I was the one one who enjoyed being loved and cared for.You know they they did grow up right here in this place.I was right here with them at every juncture. Watching, encourging, fighting and yes sometimes cursing and demanding their rights.You see I know who Jesus Is. I'll still would  it if that is what it takes. Not to worry I said they are  MEN! I can now lean and depend on them, when and if I need them. I miss the little growing up moments we shared.  We still do share many things together. I can talk about anything with them. Its all safe and cost nothing but a kiss and a tight hug. There are millions of stories just as mine. My story is not unique.I took care of my children untill we all ready to go to school again together. They went at different ages so that delayed my venture. I had gone to college before marriage,but did not complete until the children grew older. I had a husband in my life, I made sure he stayed right there. I did what it took to manage all that. It took a lot sometimes. But that is how it goes down here.  Not one but two. It took the two of us to accomplish what we did. I did not even want to try it alone. It took two to make them.It took us two to point them in the right direction. No baby sisters. No nanies. Father and mother.  This was our house. I don't just talk and write Bible I live BIBLE daily.Here on this planet Men are very important to me. We're not talking race here but genda.The darker colors are proble to look at color. Evil doesn't care about your color. Only who you are. MAN. Man you are HATED!You are hated above all other species. Why? GOD LOVES YOU.You are created in HIS IMAGE.  Nothing can change that, absolutely No THING. No other created being or thing. Next time we will talksbout how men used and are still using themselves a s slaves in every work place.  It happened then , its happening now.Until then, think about something wonderful.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hello, there are highs and there are lows. To night I'm High! High on who I know to be TRUTH! The knowledge of What I Know to be true. GOD LOVES YOU! No matter who you are,not matter where you live. No matter how you smell. I'm big on smells. I can smell good and evil.Read easy,gain the clear picture. Erase what you thought,I'm still not you,but I'm me. Once as I stated before there was nothing a man could not do, because he was created in the image of God.Before I go farther I am a writer, not a typist. Yes I make mistakes. Sometimes I correct sometimes I don't.Please look over the errors.God perfect and complete, lacking No Thing. Man in the garden of Eden. There was a tree there among all the trees that the man was told not to eat of. He was to this,in Love. He also explained why he was not to eat of that tree. He made a choice. His choice was to DISOBEY! And he did eat. You see he was created with the ability to think for himself. You see there were a lot of animals here when he arrived. Choice was not one of their  strong suites.They had the spirit of God,the breath of God, But not the image of God,(who God Is).God created MAN for HIMSELF! Enabeling the POWER OF LOVE.The INDEFEASIBLE Power of GOD! Lock that in. Man lost IT with the first BITE! The first bite of DISOBEDIENCE! Well you say Eve bit it first,Yes SHE did. SHE,was not the MAN. SHE was ishshah,(wife).To whom I sometimes refer to as his BONE. Eve could have eaten baskets of the Forbidden Tree produce,and nothing would have happened. My greatest thought on this is, the man was indued with all that  power and failed to use it properly. He lost his mind; WE lost our world! Feeling like little Bo Pete now? She lost her sheep. Not to worry. Ladies as I said our turn is next.I've never lived in a perfect world,neither have. I have had visions of what it would and can be. Almost Blew MY MIND! I could not continue the thought down here, it was Too Much For Me. There was once upon a time in the distance of we can not remember.  The enemy came and lied his way into beauty and left us with all these ashes. Smoke, as Solomon called it. Piles and piles of ashes. So man today because of the power he has left sufferes from a great demise to drain what he has left. In the garden a snake was used,now another man will do.Men who have been empowered with great wealth and a strategy of evil intent and obsession. This is manageable ,controlable and can be deletetable. Think again. I spoke to a young man just the other day who told me why he started smoking. he said all the other fellows on the job who smoked could take a break to smoke. But he didn't smoke, and was asked  why he wasn't working when he stood around on his jobwith the others who were smoking. So he decided to move  that problem and starded smoking to fit in while he took his break. What a waste of a man,time,energy and money. When he  did what all the others where doing the  compalints ceased. A man in the work place, and what they have to do to comply to survive. If you could change these rules would you? Can you? I tell you now you have the power. Now just to put laws in the book to ouster someone when they don't look or act as you or those you like or are familiar with. You see I know why laws are written. To get rid of people, and take what they own.I live here too. There is hope in every thought you think, when God is in it. Some of us want to keep our thoughts grounded right here in these ashes, and smell this smoke off this evil. Our young boys, our young men need you. By the way, the young man I told you about,has a brother in his 30's with heart problems, he himself takes baby asprin every day. He is 35,and smoking, because he wanted a break. We need to clear the air,NOW!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hello, I hope you a most generous week, if you did I share your sentiment. For thoes of you who did not. You will this one coming up. Never give in to doubt.Young boys, I called them young men in high school, they were, they are. However, this population needs to know the turth of who they really are.They are becoming,who they will be, if they make it.I always remimded them of who they really could be, top of the world.Now they are called men if they are young teens, when the comit a crime or accused of commiting a crime. They are treated as men. The dirty mess form hell is aways so busy,attacting humam flesh.Stripped of their youth , that that were left with.Many of them work he streets at night to feed and clothe themselves and their families. I know that for sure. I listened to them, I heard them cry for help, but never asked for my help, they wanted me to listen. I did.I listened prayerfully,painfully,with tears on my I could not cry, because I was Mrs Johnson. I offered advice, sometimes follered sometimes not. I never stopped offering, I never stopped praying. Not even now.I heard mothers brag when they came to school meetings of how their baby bought them this or that. new t.v. expensive handbags, all kings of girl toys. I wanted to schream!I could not. You see I was Mrs.Johnson. I have gone so far as to hold students in my room at passing time to get them throuhg the halls safely from insiders and outsiders. I had out siders come to my room and ask to see certain students. They were denied. That student was my resoponsibility,that student was mine, my child for that hour and for that school day.I really learned how to give my self away. I was not afraid just crazy. Crazy for What I believed to   be right,and who I wanted it to be right for.Our young men. I went to an OKC Thunder game not so long ago I stood up to yell several times too many and was told to set,(not sit),my big ass down, I did after I told them why I was there, to do just what I did. I guess I have lost some of that vigor I had a while back but that was 'me'. I decided I should not attend another.I don't need that for me now in my life. T.V. will do . By the way I Love , Love The Thunder.The systems of the world are set up for the systems of the WORLD!!  They are controlled by system based controlees.The very RICH. If you are not very RICH ,Watch your STEP! If you are YOUNG and a MALE- What can I say? You may be NEXT. Unless you are playing the GAME!I Don't care ifyou are BLACK,WHITE or IN BETWEEN, You are GAME!I'm a real person I see real people. They come in All Colors,shapes and Smells.EVIL, hates ALL MEN! That is why your world is upside down! No wonder you can't hold a thought. You've been tought you made it already!HUH! The explosion, It was designed to KILL YOU. You made It. What are you going to do?The young men of this world need YOU!All the colors.Unless you have a trillon or so you do not have enough,money. The elite of this world have many.We have lost enough young men,boys,baby males. Too many to a system who sees them as a threat. You know the truth be told, they are a threat! Adam lost his mind in the garden,and 'he did eat', what his 'Bone', his wife, gave him. He did know better. That tree was called the tree of "GOOD AND EVIL"!!!On that ,I will say Good Night ,Sweet Dreams. Until I meet you again right here.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

I wanted to start this yesterday, but I started to read something else that caused me to enter another day. A Blessed Lords Day to you!Let me refresh you, when we started this conversation, we were at the top of what happend myriads ago.Conditions, places and things entered into the conversation.None of these things will lose their place. Now let us add on,extend the conversation.There are many verses in the Bible that deal with the mind.Many places gently instruct us very gently to guard our' minds.'Eve lost hers when she took the advice of her little animal friend.That is what he was.An intellegent animal.The Bible says,the wisest.We like and enjoy pretty little smart toys as females, they are one of our delights. they can get you in trouble ladies,think about it- Adam lost his mind when he looked at that pretty little bone of his wrapped in that delectable skin,holding something that he could not resist.You see she already 'did eat,' she had knowledge of the thing already,before he saw it or touched it.It was so good she wanted to share it. Watch what you experience and whom you share it with.Do you see the mess we are in? The pivitol thing about this whole thing is,the innoncent ones are born each day with no really safe place to inhabit, we're all still here,and most of the timecontinue to make excuses why we do what we do. We teach the young our mess,our way of thinking because we goard ourselves into thinking we are correct and ninty-nine percent of the time we are wrong and really don't give one care!The youth of this nation and all nations Iwill safelly say are dying with lack of Love and basic care and attention.We are failing as  people and as parents!And we all say" the world is going to hell in a hand basket."We individuailly,will go to hell if we do not correct this MESS! Our young males, teens who are called men and know nothing of manhood except pubity. What a disgrace! They think they are cute with pants that droop and look as if they forgot to use the toilet and their feet hurt with their unlaced expensive shoes flopping. They're eighty percent of the time find themselves in a cell,locked away so you can be sefe to meet the next generation of men you and your cooperate zoo. Too many think there is only you.Too many flukes,so many eys on you.Now what are you going to do? I'm not nearly through, because I know who has eyes on you.Later. Ladies I will eventually turn my attention on us, me and you.Until next time God Bless you.