Saturday, May 11, 2013

,If I were close to you ,I would smile,reach for you and ask you to give me a hug.  Lets pretend you moved and I hugged you. I felt that. Why? because I wanted to.  Don't ever forget we, our family does long yo touch the world. We will reach out and touch you.  I'll never stop loving who God created in His Own Image.  I love you, I will in all probability meet you some day,some sooner than others.  Sometimes,alot of time I'm in deep thought,and I forget to smile, but when I look at you, you'll always bring a smile. You see,I'm me not you.  I'm excited about being alive. Living right now ,right here. I know who I am. I usually know where I'm going and my intentions when I get there. I learned a long time ago to always think things through.I'm here and my thoughts are about you.  Yes YOU.  Right there YOU. I noticed the readers are growing. That is good.  But, then is it?  Right now you know I really don't want to spend a lot of time on why,but you need to.  Why? I am heavy on these air waves! I can feel the bounces and the turns. What I say can help you or it can hurt you.  I would never desire anyone hurt or pain,never. I'm not going to tell you not to read what I write I'm simply going to say,be careful for what you read my by danderous to your spiritual life.  I say things that are very spiritual, things that are true. You say how danderous is that? If you read it you are responsible for what you read to do it ,if it right.  I don't care if you don't know me,If I write what is true,it can be lethal.Please cover your selves with prayer.  I've said a enough to emplode a nation,but who really listens to truth any way.  Sometimes it can be a cheap thrill. This is not play time on line,I'm serious.Now, I hope your journey has been a satisifing one.  I'm pleased you took the time once more to meet me right here,right now. The last time we talked, i told you about my 'Sparkle'. She is still sparking.Still learning ,so am I. I'm learning how to execute what I know,to the best of my ability.  You know what and while I'm in the act of doing so, I continue to learn something else about what I know.  Life is so exciting.  I asked you to come along and go with me.  You know I have a feeling ther are men who read these blogs also,fantastic!  I love to men come along. Not try to teach you anything, about us, but youdo need to know what I know about You.  You see I've studied males since I was old enough to remember. The crib? yes. I don't have to study women because I am woman,  However I do spend a lot of time improving  how to be better at who I Be.  To better facilitate and help meet the needs of the males in my life. So I must know me better.  I really don't have a lot of males in my life but the 5 +1 (new great grand -baby), get the royal treatment.Three sons,2grand-sons. They fill my cup right now. So back to the blame game.  Adam blamed the woman, the woman blamed the snake,the snake had no one to blame because ,he got tricked by evil. I just messed up a sentence somewhere on here,but I don't have the time to correct it. I hope you can read it with some understandind.  When we start to blame,we commit treason. Why? Because we are all connected.  Ther should always be a flow between us.  It is natural for us to laugh when others laugh or cry when someone else cries.  Sometimes my laughter is only a smile. Sometimes my tears well up inside,and I can only frawn.  All three playes were cursed.  The snake, eternally.  There will forever exist snakeds. They will never be sble to do you any harm any more, but they will exist in the state you know them as right now prown, on their bellies. That is what evil can do to one as us,if we allow it to be so.  We still blame ,we still carry everything too far.  Respect is lacking in our world.  Can we really claim success in the state we are in? Can we really say,I"ve over come? No!  Not as long as one of us is lacking.  Ladies, I speak to the wind, let us rethink who we are. You are THE WIND, You can and do control the motin in your worlds.  What are you doing with kind of POWER?  Through out the ministry and Life of Jesus Christ, He ministered to WOMEN. HE FREED US TO BE EQUAL AGAIN.  We're there again, but nobody told you that, evidently.  I'm going to allow you to feed off me , my plate. I'm going to pour into you what I poured into my daughter. Yes ,and even more.  There is a way to do this. I'll teach you some of it for free. I need a little help, to stand with and support the stalwarts of our world. Our MEN! Our destiny depends on it. Where do you want to go? How do you think you'er going to get there?  We were provided that way before we arrived on the sean,we wer covered,protected,Hum.look what happened. There is a way to Recover It All.   Can you hang with me?  Lets recover it all. Some of you need it right now, some can wait a while, others I'll teach you how to care. You see I heard you. Until then, know where you are going and how you're giong to get there.   **)

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