Monday, July 8, 2013

Thank God I made it. God sure is faithful. The blogg will be short tonight. I had broblems Saturday night. But I'm with you again. Its a good thing.  When I write I can soar as an eagle. Thank you for taking the time to read what I write.  Its not easy all the time, because it is so strait.  I make no apoiogy, I'm expressing ME.  I just know I've found you well. I'm there too.  I live each minute of every day hoping and prayin things in the realm we live in change  for the betterment of each person in existance.  Sometimes I know my prayers are answered.  Yea, you know about the other part of the answer. One of these days we'll all get on the same band wagon and learn to move forward and not the reverse.  Yor know if enough of  us do anything to gether long enough we could win the world. however we allow evvil to enter, and that includes things and people, so sorry to say.  Now a days what people think of us and how much wealth one can gain takes precedence over what is right,pure,just and loving. My dears this is where we live.   The place we call home, this planet, we call earth.  I do see good things happening all the time. But I'm still screaming, MORE! We need More.  More what? loving, more care, more doing to show, For Real that we really care.  The youth all over the world are dying without hope.  The sad thing is they are not physically dead. They are dispossesed of feelings of kindness, warmth, shelter, manners, faithfulness,togetherness,and yes all of these spell Loved.  I partner with others to make this happen. To make dreams come true. To dry waisted tears from eyes blinded by fear,and the terror in the darkness, that never seams to flee. Not even when the sun is shining, and there are no clouds in the sky. Hope,where is Hope?  We have it sucked away somewhere in a so called safe place.  Where is your safe place today? Empty it and  rename it caring for... whom ever. If I accomplish nothing on this series except a MIND, TURNING WITH DESIRE TO MEET ANOTHER YOUNG PERSONS NEED.  That is where my heart is. The REAL ME. Love does not come cheap. If it did I would give it to every person I've ever known or will know in the future. While we wait for the end of the week, Think about what you can do to make someone elses dream come true. Our Youth need people just like YOU. It is evident you are as I Am You red what I write.  I can do more than write I can show you how to do what I write about. You see, I'm Me. I'l write you a plan of attack and walk you through the to the point of execution, COMPLETION.  Thinking about how it all started until we meet again right HERE. I do love you, what can I say(**)

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