Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I'm here and  its not Saturday night.  I'm so blessed you are here. Thank you again. I have started placing my inteviews on my blogg site. I truly hope you enjoy them.  I've done 6 now. there will be another one the first of the week #2 of my friend Dr. Williams.  I've known her for a while, she is a wonderful person.  Well I'm in good shape after this trimatic decision.  I'm still shaking my head.  Oh but I'm also doing the most powerful thing. Watching and praying. praying and watching.  We'll get through this.  I'm not sad, I'm angry. Not at people so much, but at the existing evil the continues to invade my presence on this planet!  I'm done with it!  I've declared all out war on evil!  I'm not just telling you. I have premission to do exactly what I was sent to do.  Some of you may remember, I have told about the fact that at the end of my freshma year in college I. was married. Not because I was pregnant, but because i was so loved and in love, I just could't helpe it. We lived hundreds of miles away from each other. My mother was strict. very much so . I was worse that she, I knew I was supose to wait. well I was 18 and waiting, for this 31 year old man. He got me. Took me home... Now that is enough of that story.  Before the end of his life in 2012. he gave some advice on how to live, I listened. It was lovely.  Not long ago, this year in fact, (2013), I realized I'm free.  Really free for the first time in my life. I went from my mothers home to my husbands home. Now I'm at home.  I desire to travel the world with my message of hope.  I write all the time. Now, search for people, reading  books, people want me to read for interviews an nuonces to probe the minds of people with a message. We are really alike in a wonderful kind of way. I like it. In fact I love it.  I'm a people person. I love love people, I really do. Back to my realization. I want to be free, just for me.  I once thought  I wanted to be attached again but ,no, its too soon. So now my age, I'm blessed, really Blessed. Since my discovery, I'm 18, going on 71. I was 18 when I married. I no nothing about not being married. I want to know. and I do and I'll even learn more. I remember being 18, yes and all the rest. but 18 is special for me. I'm 70. Do't look it  and I did not do it. The gift was given by my Creator YAH. I don't feel like it and I sure do not smeel like it. Older people seem to develope a certain smell. I don't smell, my house does not smell, Thank God.LOL.I do not act my age, never intend to.  My youngest child who is 40, calls me his wild mamma. I am, I'm wild, and in love with who YAH Created me to hang with, you. I hope you love me too.  Its not always easy, but its fun to try. I say what I want, usually. However it is always in regards to the well being of someone else.  People are not to be trampled upon!  Only things at some times.  I still listen to rapp music. really rapp is basicly the for form of the trans message system. It tells a story.  I hear all of these stories, I'm still shaking my head, not to the beat, and most of them are very nice, but I'm shaking my head to the words they are saying. and even the ones they were to hurt to say and that is usually a huh sound. I hear more thand sounds and the music I hear the hurt .  I hear  and feel the pain. The beat is the cover up. The more exquisite the more  intense the drama, the detestation.  I get it after the first two words. I heard one tha started with' I hate you I love you.'  That simply means I hate you because- and it plays through out the song.  The correct term for rappers  are minsterial  (an instrument). Messager, one who delivers, or tells. They usually had beautiful voices, and gifted to do what they did. The ones I've heard so far are very gifted.  I will listen to more.  When I return , you know where I'm going wwith this right back to the daily news in my life, he miss treatment of youth on this planet and where it is going! You know, you said it, let's look for better, and live the same. I love you with the heart of an 18 year old , who knows where she is going. See you ,Love you be safe come back carefully(**)

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