Thursday, January 23, 2014

NOVEMBER!!! That is way too long. Having computer problems. but here I am. HAPPY NEW YEAR!  yOU GUYS ARE THE BEST. This yeae 2014 is THE YEAR OF CHANGE. There areb great things that will happen thisyear. For other cirmstances i would say for many. but this year it is for all. Of course there are prerequisites. opportunities can pass because one is unprepared. do continue to pray and expect great change in yor life.
another critical point is you must know what you expect. many times we think random thoughts. and never really ask God for what we want, because many times we don't believe God can do what we read in the Bible, "With God all things are possible." This is a good year to believe God for the FAITH OF GOD! When we truly believe wonderful things will start to happen in our lives. In All of our lives. Child like faith is what we all will need for this year, this season. The seasons of our lives change from time to time. when we really sit down and think about it we will discover what worked at another place and time really,(season), does not seem to work, at least not at the same rate or or with the same group. Things change and so do people. The fact is what I am saying, we change. There aer times in our lives we become so preoccupied with the the status quo we forget to remember our basic needs to to be who we are becoming. yes it is a cycle. you see our exixtance is in an unstable place. This place is as perfectly unstable as your circumstance. ever changing, moving toward some plateau or place of altitudes unknown. Many times we move with no real purpose or design. Sometimes we think too small and the things that could have really been voluminous in our lives becomes as a cheap thrill. The things we do. The things we do to ourselves. When we really think about it we many times lock ourselves in and throw away the key. The keys to success. the keys to happiness, the keys to the oppointunity of a life time. That many times never comes back again. This season in your life, don't allow that to happen. The thing about that is we down play who we are. "Build yourself up in your most holy faith,"  Not your faith but the Faith of God Almighty! We all need to develope a life plan to be the very best we can be, at being who we created to be. Many really don't know who they were created to be. Because that have accepted the direction set for them by someone who does not know them at all. The Bible plainly tells us to "know yourself." We become stagnant and we get lost in the loop dictated by someone else. I am very watchful about such, and make it my goal to pray always about who I allow to influence my life decisions. Prayer is the Key. Always pray about everything. Great or what we term as small. what ever it may be, pray about it. The Father is right there to hear us, when we pray. Prayer is our communication with The Almighty God! God as Grand and Wonderful as God Is waites poised to hear our most minute requests. How awesome is that? I said all of that just to tell you don't miss your blessing this year. Really I have no number for the blessings any of us may receive this year! Be mindful, if you have not already been blessed once this year , blessings are on the way! God Loves you. I love you I really do. Until nex time never forget to pray, ITS NOT TOO SMALL(**)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hello again. it seems so long ago that i touched you. But I'm back again. I hope this writing finds you well. I'm somewhere, soon to find out where. This isa new thought. I really need to talk about this. I've heard so many times, the man up stairs or the man. God I s not A MAN. GOD IS NOT A HE!  YAH IS SPIRIT! YAH IS NOT A SPIRIT! GOD IS SPIRIT!!!: WHO IS GOD:   Who Is God?  Almighty God! The Father of JESUS,(YUASHYAH),THE CHRIST!   YAH! " I am Spirit therefore you must worship me in spirit and in truth."John4:24. We are all part spirit. The part of you ,you cannot see. Nrither can you see GOD, the part of you, you can't see. For anyone to call YAH , The man up stairs,ora man at all is grossly misstated. and believed.  The part of you , you can see is the body. YAH formed the body of man out of the dust of the earth. Not the nuetrients in the soil. only the dust on top. Weren't ment to last, huh? No.  These bodies of ours will die, however the spirit in the body will exit and return to YAH, The Creator to live forever! Your soul onthe other hand is what you choose to think and the life pattern you choose for yourself God AlmightyIs not dust and therefore not a soul. God Is SPIRIT! gOD iS NOT A HE! YAH HAS NO GENDER! GOD Created every creature on this planet, that includes all os us too, man and woman. We are THE DESIRE OF GOD! SO WE ARE WHAT CREATED.  in order for us to procreate, YAH made sure that each two (2) of a kind, as in our case  an X and a Y.  Men interperted THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD! The men(X), who translated the scripts called God a MAN, A HE.  Remember, God has NEVER Been seen by a man, or that man will die on sight of seeing.  YAH, showed Moses the back side of THE SPIRIT! OR some portion of some portion. Whatever that was Moses had to cover his face because men could not look at him in the face. God said, "I talk to Moses face to face."  Read carefully what the men wrote carefully. Man was and to dominate the earth. This is the Will of The Almighty God! The Great I AM! The CREATOR GOD! God said : I AM NOT A MAN THAT I SHOULD LIE, NOR THE SON OF MAN THAT I SHOULD REPENT. numbers23:19 I hope you have understood what I have written. OUR GOD CREATED EVERYTHING WE SEE AND DON'T SEE. GOD IS NOT A MAN. !! Please don't say that again.  When we leave this life we will be as Yah IS. Not male and not female. Enjoy who  YAH created you to be. Wheather X or Y, it will never exist again. GOD created porcreation to populate the earth so we would never exist alone. Our FELLOWSHIP IS IMPORTANT TO US AND IMPORTANT TO GOD. Let us learn how to walk in God Will for us.  He created you out of The Spirits Desire what and who you are. as always, I love you,still.Grow to be who YAH created in you! (**)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I back! Well that took a while. Well just as other writers do  I took some down time. But at the end of every week  you would come to mind. Boy how you would come to mind. Now I know I did the wrong thing for not writing, there were so many things I longed to say and I think I said them all to the wrong audience. I'll have to watch that. Its not a good thing. My emotions have been going crazy. I must learn to reface them with a positive profile. VChange my thinking.  Vacate the storm in me until Mr right comes again. Sometimes I feel, I had my chance. I did, big time. When it ended I declared it would never happen again. Surface though it may, there is a void. Enough about me. I know how to put me on the back burner down low.  The last time we talked I gave you some history and background about my experience as a young woman in her 20's.  It was real. It is a hard transitional period. A young person can make all these edge roads and get treated as if they've done nothing at all, because, they've been told you're just getting your feet wet. All lies. They are wet totheir shoulders. I think about Steve Jobs, a young man, committed to forging his way to the top in spite of what people had to say. He made it. He did not get to really enjoy it. He died too young. Why do people do things like that? Cause thers to drive themselves into the early death syndrom. (Others). My key board will not correct when i blog for some reason. so I rewrote the word > I'm, sorry. I do not want to erase everything every time. He was a classic example of what I am saying. Jealous,envious people, continue to destroy Gods intentions for good. I say thisbto appeal to your good reasoning. Some of you are in position right now tomake or break another persons denisty. Will it be a positive thing you do or a destructive and disastrous flip of fate?  So many times we forget the power we have in our hands to do. Do what ever it is we do. If more thought were put into play, who knows Steve Jobs would still be alive and well and able to enjoy what he perfected, all all the capital it garnered.  viewed the work of an engineer, today, total genius! He needs to be encouraged. I tried to do just that. You don't always need to know the persons vitals to say that is wonderful or you need to go on and develope that project. I see you have an outstanding vision. Why is that so hard? Then here is the clincher allow them to do it! Help in every way! First see their vision with them. exploer methods of doing it better inform them, introduce then to the correct people. Not someone out to still the persons vision ond own it. That happens too much. It happened in our etnic background too much! The telephone, for an example, Bell? ding ding dong.NO! I mention things such as these because i know someone out there is reading what I write and can help.  For some reason I know you will. Thereis even someone who needs help, who is stressd to the max and knows not how to ask for Help! Young and gifted, tried and ignored, because you are who you Are. If there is one, Please do not die before your time. There is help available. There is someone you can go to and ask for a hand up. Not to say, you need a thing, but everyone of us needs someone. That someone special.  You see readers they really don't know what the problem is. They spend money to make money and buy pleasure to satify, and satisfaction never comes. No one ever really shared the up and down patr of Who they Are.(part). Their accomplishments get tossed aside and they become lost in their own dreams, and forget the things them tick. It seems no one really cares. And desease and diaster become real in their lives until its too late. (Steve Jobs). We reall don't need any more of that kind of waste. I hope you agree and find the nearest person I just describe and help them. I wish  I could help. If I knew some one as that. Let us really learn to look at people as oue Heavenly Father does. Stop pushing things up under the rug when it comes to people. Our most express and Most delicate Gift of all PEOPLE!  Until next time, remember I sure do love you. Yhank you for taking the time to read what I have to say.(Thank). You are most important to me, believe me(**)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Thought I wound't come back didn't you? you should have known better.  If you are a writer you know how we are.  The are down times, or you could call it lag time. We just hang out in our little spots on this planet. and think about it. For me its think and pray about it. That is exactly what I was committed to do.  If you ever need a friend its when you'er away. I'm a friend to an away friend. That friend had my full attention. I'm back. I hope all of you are well. it feels as if you are, maybe 2 or maybe 3, with a little something something. You're going to be wonderful,for real. On our last journey we closed out our discussions on the very young all the way to the teens. I tell you I can never close them comletely out, there is where evil lurks to the extreme! So look for it, every now and then.  Tonignt we I will begin my discussion on the age group between 20 and 35. The most often stut - out ones.  In many cases the stut down ones. I experienced it. I stated before I was married at the age of 18. Really a fresh 18. birthday in October, married in June of the next year. Sort of in the middle. I encountered all kinds of negtive vibrations. too many. one, I married the most popular minister in our area. He was the sought after one. all kinds of ways. any how, I grew up in this little place. sort of a boom town. Ponca City, Ok. Hum,so long ago.I'll never for get it. The community felt I was too young for the responsibility I had. The day I married I became a pastors wife. Not just his wife, but a person who was supose to be looked up to, respected, and all of that. I was thought to b too young. I had completed a year of college. I tell you I was sharp ready for the next event. In stead, those members tried to cancel my person. I never took down. When they came at me one way I would swich to a different channel. I am thankful that my heavenly Father guided me and I listened and over came that period in my life. It continued. at another church where my husband pastored. I was in my 20's. I was determined to stand and stand ,I did. I've always possessed leadedship qualities. I knew it. It was a daily exercise in my life. My husband needed me to be who I was. I suppored him. Ipoured myself into him. I became his best friend, his dependable buddy, his advocate,and his main squeez. I intended to stay that that way. With the help of the Lord I did, until the day he died. I was his help meet. I met every demon he didn"t have time for. I made the time to pray and stand up for what he believed, for what we inconcert believed. I was a fighter. hr knew it, Istill am. I said all of that not to brag about who I am, but to say, that is what it takes. People who succeed in life, are fighters in life for the live of them. I've watched our society through the years demean the wisdom of its young. It is so strong.  Because they are young, so they thing, young adults can't or don't know how to make right decisions. That is not the truth! It is a trick by the evil one to slow the forward progress of Man. The lord of this planet! The keepers of the earth. The dressers of the vineyard, MAN!  I promised myself I would not write as long tonight. I must br fresh and allert for tomorrow. Decisions still have to be made. I must prepair for bed. In the meantime think on these things. if you are young. Stay youthful, vital and alive. Grow in every way. never take down for the nay sayers. They are there to spread you like hot butter. They will distroy you, and your potential. Woman stand by your Man. Hes your gift, your lord. Oh yes. Your lord,the head of your life. That is what LACEY was to me while alive. now I'm lone. But baby, I'm alive and well. Still a fighter. I stand for You. Hang on in there, you are covered. Ido love you. I'll be back(**)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How sweet it is. If you are a writer it is a good thing to b able to write, and to write what you think or feel.  Sometimes that is not always a good thing, but its important to a writer. Those of you who do not write somtimes it may be a little hard to adjust to someone as I am. Would you like to be me for just one day? I don't think so. and any way I would not change who I am for anybody else. Like who could I replace my self with? I tell you no one I know, they have issues of their own, and I really could not fit their shoes. I know a lo of beautiful people, they are are right where they need to be as far as I'm concerned. I would not trade them for any thing. S you are well? If you can control the thoughts that come into your mind you have mastered all of you problems,Right? Sorry, that takes a lot of very hard work, can be achieved but not often and not by many people. So hang on in there. Nothing is beyond solving, NOTHING. I'm good, thing wild, crazy thoughts. Just thoughts as I would deem wild. To some of you they may be nothing, who knows? Back to our subject.  If you remember I started this series by talking about teens in trouble, and what they really go through to survive. They are injured in all kinds of ways, by all kinds of people. First their parents, dad, mom, grands, other kin. Peers, so called friends, teachers, administration,staff, business people you name them,you add to the list. The point I'm making is evil will stop at nothing and no one to break you down and cause you to error. A daily happening on this planet. Youth, the very young are targets. I will say the main targets. They are beautiful ,strong, self willed,and determained. They are equipted to do damage. The miss guided energy in them can cause a wind fall of choas in a falling jungle. We're here. The penitential system is  designed to hold and contain people. Not train you per/say,but keep you bound and held for gain. Need to invest? try that system, a big industry. With yes, some government input. It will never go away on this plant, sorry to say that, but its true. They are designed to capture and hold ignorant individuals who have no clue as to the natuer o such  places. Some of the most brillent minds are right there, and I tell you they are making money too right there and spending it right there. Now, you've heard this before, what have you done lately to decrease the likly hood to dispense with the problem? A big question Yes? Little done yes. I have a U tube video coming up next week, about a group a people from the state of California, who have a pision minestry. The organizer was herself in the system, God delivered her and now she goes back into the system to help deliever others. If you can catch that. I have many videos comng up. I'm out somewhere all the time getting information to help someone some where. Our youth need you. The youth betweenthe ages of 12- 19. The most danderous people on the planet! I love them, they are my kind of people. They can be as straight as straight, and crooked as crooked, who cares I do.  If you know how to pray, pray for them, I don't care how they seem to you, you bearly made it yourself. HUm! The beauty of this planet wasted, abandon, kicked up and out of our so call bourgeoisie society. You go up and look down on me, Yeah? You better know it. It happens everyday! I don't care if you ar purple green all over it happens, if you are the so called white. Admit it. be kind, be thoughtful, be loving, you never know who you are going to need on your way down.  May be one of the ones who have learned alnost everything they know in a prision cell. Do you have a loved one there get them out of there!  Next  week the other endangered group, young Men and Women from 20-33. You think not think again. Until then walk with your back straight, your head up and look out you may see me any where. I'm looking for you, I know you need a hug. From anybody from me. I Love you still(**)